Pars II, 4
Teil II, 4
Part II, 4
Partie II, 4
Parte II, 4
Igitur qui puellam rapuerant venerunt ad civitatem Machilentam; deponitur ergo illa inter cetera mancipia venalis.
|||had seized||||Machilenta|is placed||||the rest of|slaves for sale|for sale
Therefore those who had taken the girl came to the city of Machilenta; it is deposited, therefore, among the other slaves for sale.
Audiens eam leno infaustissimus ac impurus, contendere coepit, ut eam emeret; sed Athenagora princeps ejusdem civitatis videns eam nobilem, pulchram, sapientem, obtulit decem sistertias auri.
||pimp|most unfortunate||impure|to try|began|||buy||Athenagoras|the chief|of the same||||noble|beautiful|wise|offered ten staters||sesterces|
Hearing this, the most unfortunate and impure man began to strive to buy her; but Athenagoras, the ruler of the same city, seeing her as noble, beautiful, and wise, offered ten sisters of gold.
Sentendo ciò, l'uomo più sfortunato e impuro cominciò a sforzarsi di comprarla; ma Atenagora, sovrano della stessa città, vedendola nobile, bella e saggia, offrì dieci sorelle d'oro.
Leno ait: Ego dabo XX (viginti).
Leno said: I will give 20 (twenty).
Athenagora ait: Ego dabo XXX (triginta).
アテナゴラスは言った: 私は30(トリギンタ)を与える。
Leno: Ego XL (quadraginta).
レーノ: 私は40(クアドラギンタ)を与える。
Athenagora: Ego L (quinquaginta).
アテナゴラス: 私は50(クインクアギンタ)を与える。
Leno: LX (sexuaginta).
Athenagora: LXX (septuaginta).
Leno: LXXX (octoginta).
Athenagora: XC (nonaginta).
|XC (90)|
アテナゴラス: XC(九十)。
Leno: C (centum) sistertias in praesenti dabo.
Leno|||sesterces||the present|
レノ: C(百)システルティアスを現在渡すだろう。
Et ait: Si quis amplius X sistercias auri, dabo supra.
And he said: If anyone has more than 10 sesterces of gold, I will give more.
E disse: Se qualcuno avrà più di 10 sesterzi d'oro, gli darò di più.
そして彼は言った: もし誰かがさらにXの金のシステルティアスを求めるなら、私はそれに加えて渡す。
Athenagora ait: Ego, si cum lenone contendere voluero, et unam emam, plures venditurus sum; permittam eum emere, et cum prostituerit eam, lupanar intrabo, prius ad illam, et eripiam nodum virginitatis ejus, et erit mihi sicut emerim eam.
|||||pimp|to contend|I want|||sheep|more|about to sell||I will allow||to buy|||he will prostitute||brothel|I will enter|||||I will take|the knot|||||||I will buy|
Athenagoras says: "If I should be willing to contend with a pimp, and I will buy one, I will sell more." I will allow him to buy it, and when he prostitutes it, I will go in to the brothel first, and I will deliver the knot of his virginity, and it will be to me as I bought it.
Dice Atenagora: Io, se voglio contendere con un leone, e comprarne uno, ne venderò molti; Gli permetterò di comprarla, e quando l'avrà prostituita, entrerò in Lupanar, per primo, da lei, e libererò il nodo della sua verginità, e sarà come se l'avessi comprata.
アテナゴラスは言った: 私がもし遊女と争うつもりであれば、1人を買うが、より多くを売ることになるだろう; 彼がそれを買わせることを許し、彼女を娼館に売るとき、私はその中に入って、最初に彼女の処女の結び目を奪い、彼女を買ったように私のものになるであろう。
Quid plura?
What more?
Quoi de plus?
Perrexit cum lenone in salutatorium, ubi habuit Priapum aureum et genimis adornatum et ait:
he went||procurer||greeting place|||Priapus|gold||with legs|adorned||
He went with the lion into the hall, where he had Priapus adorned with gold and jewels, and said:
Entrò col leone nella sala, dove fece adornare Priapo d'oro e di gioielli, e disse:
Puella, adora istum!
Girl, adore that!
Ait illa: Numquam tale adorem.
She said: I will never worship like that.
Ha detto: Non adorerò mai in quel modo.
Et ait: Domine, numquid Lapsatenus es tu?
And he said: Lord, art thou a slippered face?
E lui disse: Signore, lei è di Lapsaten?
Leno ait: Quare?
Leno said: Why?
レノが言った: なぜ?
Et illa: Quia Lapsateni colunt Priapum.
And she: Because the Lapsatians worship Priapus.
そして彼女は言った: なぜなら、ラプサテニはプリアポスを崇拝しているから。
Leno ait: Nescis tu misera, quia in domo lenonis avari incurristi?
||||unfortunate||||of the pimp|greedy|you have fallen
He says to the pimp, do you not know, wretched man, that you have fallen into the house of a covetous man in the pimp?
レノが言った: かわいそうな君は知らないのか、貪欲なレノンの家に入ってしまったことを?
Puella prosternens se ad pedes ejus ait: O domine, miserere virginitati meae, ne prostituas hoc corpus pro tali turpi titulo!
|prostrating|||||||||my virginity|||prostitute||||such|base|title
The girl, prostrating herself at her feet, said: "O lord, have pity on my virginity, do not prostitute this body for such a foul title!"
少女は彼の足元にひざまずいて言った: おお主よ、私の純潔を憐れんでください。こんな恥ずかしい名のためにこの体を売らないでください!
Cui leno: Nescis, quia apud lenonem et tortorem nec preces nec lacrimae valent?
|||||pimp||torturer||prayers||tears|are effective
To which pimp: Do you not know that with the pimp and the torturer neither prayers nor tears prevail?
A chi leno: Non lo sai, perché con leno e il torturatore non valgono né le preghiere né le lacrime?
それに対して男は言った: お前は知らないのか、娼婦や拷問者のもとでは祈りも涙も無駄だということを?
Tamen vocavit villicum puellarum et ait: Haec puella ornetur vestibus puellaribus preciosis et
||the steward|of the girls|||||she will be adorned||girl's|precious|
However, she called the girl's steward and said, "Let this girl dress up in precious girlish clothes"
しかし彼は女の子たちの経営者を呼び寄せて言った: この少女は貴族のような美しい衣装で飾られなければならない。
scribatur ei titulus: Quicumque Tharsiam violaverit, mediam libram dabit; postea ad.
let it be written|||||has violated|half a|pound|||
let the inscription be written to him: Whoever shall violate Tharsia, shall give half a pound; later on.
per lui è scritto un titolo: Chiunque violerà Tharsia, darà mezza libbra; successivamente a
彼にタイトルが書かれる: タルシアムを暴力する者は、中間の1ポンドを渡さなければならない。その後、各人に1シリングを支払うことになる。
singulos solidos parebit populo.
||will appear|to the people
one shilling will be sold to the people.
Villicus fecerat, quod jussum fuerat.
the steward|had done||order|had been
The prefect had done as he had been ordered.
Cum lenone antecedente turba tertia die cum symphonia ducitur ad lupanar, sed Athenagora princeps primus ingreditur velato capite.
|the pimp|the pimp|crowd||||with music|||brothel|||||enters|"with covered"|with head covered
When a pimp goes before the crowd on the third day, he is led to the brothel with a symphony, but Prince Athenagoras first steps in with his head covered.
Tharsia videns eum, projecit se ad pedes et ait:
|seeing||he threw|||||
Tharsia, seeing him, threw herself at his feet and said:
Miserere mei, domine, propter deum, et per deum te adjuro, ne velis me violare!
|||||||||I adjure you||you wish||violate
Have mercy on me, my lord, for God's sake, and I adjure you by God, that you would not want to violate me.
Resiste libidini tuae, et audi casus infelicitatis meae, et originem unde sim diligenter considera.
"Resist your desire"|"your desire"||||the case|"of misfortune"|||||I am||consider
Resist your lust, and hear the fall of my unhappiness, and carefully consider the origin whence I am.
Cui cum universos casus exposuisset, princeps confusus et pietate plenus ait ei: Habeo et ego filiam tibi similem, de qua similes casus metuo.
||all events|cases|"had explained"||confused and compassionate||"devotion" or "sense of duty"|||||||||like her|||||"I fear"
And when he had explained all his misfortunes, the prince, being ashamed and full of piety, said to him: I have also a daughter like you, of whom I fear similar misfortunes.
Haec dicens dedit ei viginti aureos dicens:
Having said these things, he gave him twenty pieces of gold, saying:
Ecce habes amplius pro virginitate, quam impositum est.
||||"virginity"||"was imposed"|
Behold, you have more for virginity than it was imposed on you.
Ecco, hai per la verginità più di quanto ti viene imposto.
Dic advenientibus, sicut mihi dixisti, et liberaberis.
|"to those arriving"|||||"you will be freed"
Say to those who come as you said to me, and you will be delivered.
Dite a coloro che vengono, come avete detto a me, e sarete liberati.
Puella profusis lacrimis ait: Ego pietati tuae gratias ago, et ne alicui narres, quae a me audisti!
|profuse|tears|||piety|||give|||to anyone|"you tell"||||"you heard"
The girl with extravagant tears said: I thank you for your kindness, and do not tell anyone what you heard from me!
Athenagora ait: Nisi narravero filiae meae, cum ad talem aetatem pervenerit, similem casum ne patiatur.
|||"I will have told"|||||such|age|"has reached"|similar event|fate||"may suffer"
Athenagoras says: Unless I shall tell my daughter, when she has come to such an age, let him not suffer a similar fate.
Atenagora disse: A meno che non dica a mia figlia, quando raggiungerà tale età, che non subirà un destino simile.
アテナゴラスは言った: もし私の娘に話さなければ、彼女がそのような年齢に達したとき、同じ災難を経験しないように。
Et cum lacrimis discessit.
|with|tears|he departed
And he left with tears.
Cui exeunti obviavit ei alius et ait: Quomodo tibi convenit cum puella?
|going out|"met" or "encountered"|||||||it suits||
And when he got out, another met her and said, "How do you fit in with a girl?"
Mentre usciva, un altro gli venne incontro e gli disse: Come sei d'accordo con la ragazza?
出て行く彼に別の者が出会い、言った: 君はどうしてその少女と一緒にいるのか?
Ait princeps: Non potest melius.
|||he can|better
The prince said, "It can't be better."
Erat enim tristis.
For he was sad.
Intravit juvenis puella more solito ostium claudit.
|||in the usual manner|usual manner|door|closes the door
The young girl entered, as usual, and shut the door.
Una giovane ragazza entrò e chiuse la porta come al solito.
Cui juvenis ait: Quantum dedit tibi princeps?
And the young man said to him: How much did the prince give you?
青年は言った: 君に王はどれだけ与えたのか?
Ait puella: Quadraginta aureos.
|||gold coins
少女は言った: 40ゴールドを。
Et ille: Accipe integram libram auri!
And he said: Take a whole pound of gold!
そして彼は言った: 金をすべて受け取れ!
Princeps audiens ait: Quanto plus dabis, tanto plus plorabit.
|listening||||you will give|||"will lament"
The prince hearing said: The more you give, the more he will cry.
君主は言う: どれだけ多く与えても、その分だけ泣くことになる。
Puella nummos accepit, proiciens se ad pedes et casus indicavit.
|money||throwing herself down||||||"revealed"
The girl took the money, throwing herself at his feet and told him to fall.
Apoziatus juvenis ait: Surge, domina, homines sumus, casibus omnes subjacemus.
The young man said|||Rise||||to fate||"are subject to"
Apoziatus said to the young man: Arise, madam, we are men, and we are all subject to chance.
若者は言う: 立ってください、貴女、私たちは人間です、全ての状況にさらされています。
Hiis dictis exiit, vidit itaque Athenagoram ridentem, ait illi:
Having said this, he went out, and saw Athenagoras laughing, and said to him:
Magnus homo es, non habes, cui lacrimas propines, nisi mihi.
|||||||you offer||
You're a great man, you don't have any tears except for me.
Sei un grande uomo, non hai nessuno con cui versare lacrime tranne me.
Et jurabant, ne haec verba cuiquam proderent, et coeperunt adventum aliorum exspectare.
|they swore||||to anyone|would benefit|||arrival||to wait
And they swore not to betray these words to any man, and began to await the arrival of others.
E giurarono di non rivelare queste parole a nessuno, e cominciarono ad attendere l'arrivo degli altri.
Venerunt multi dantes pecuniam, sed flentes exibant.
||giving|||crying|they were going out
Many came giving money, but went out weeping.
Postea obtulit pecuniam lenoni dicens:
|offered||to the pimp|
Afterwards he offered money to Lennon, saying:
Ecce pecuniam virginitatis meae!
Behold the money of my virginity!
Ait leno: Vide cotidie, ut tantas pecunias mihi offeras!
|||daily||such|money||you offer
He said to the pimp: Take heed every day, that you offer me such sums of money!
Disse dolcemente: Vedi ogni giorno che mi offri così tanti soldi!
Altera die adhuc eam virginem audiens iratus vocans villicum puellarum dixit:
||still||||||the overseer||
The next day she was still angry, the girl's steward called
Il giorno dopo, sentendo ancora la giovane chiamare con rabbia l'amministratore delle ragazze, disse:
Duc eam ad te et frange nodum virginitatis ejus!
Bring her to you and break the knot of her virginity!
Cui villicus ait: Dic mihi, si virgo es!
|the steward||||||
To whom the steward said: Tell me if you are a virgin!
At illa: Quamdiu vult deus, virgo sum.
||as long as||||
But she: As long as God wills, I am a virgin.
At ille : Unde tantam tulisti pecuniam?
||||you brought|
But he: Where did you get so much money?
Puella ait : Lacrimis profusis exponens casus meos rogavi homines, ut misericordiam virginitatis meae haberent.
|||having been shed|explaining|||I asked|||mercy|||they would have
The girl said: With tears pouring out, I begged people to have mercy on my virginity, explaining my misfortunes.
少女は言った: 流れる涙をもって私の悲惨な運命を露呈し、私の純潔に対して慈悲を持ってくれるよう人々に願った。
Et prosternens se ad pedes ejus ait:
Miserere mihi, domine, subveni captivae regis filiae, ne violes me!
|||help me|the captive||||violate|
Have mercy on me, my lord, and assist the captive king's daughter, do not violate me.
Abbi pietà di me, mio \u200b\u200bsignore, aiuta la figlia prigioniera del re, non violentarmi!
Ait ille: Leno est avarus; nescio, si possis virgo permanere.
He said: Lano is a miser; I don't know if you can remain a virgin.
Ha detto: Lano è un avaro; Non so se puoi rimanere vergine.
At illa: Studiis liberalibus erudita sum et in genere musicali possum modulari.
|||liberal studies|I am educated||||musical genre|musical||modulate
And she: I am educated in liberal arts and I can play music in music class.
Duc me in forum, ubi poteris facundiam meam audire, propone quaestiones populo, et proposita solvam.
|||||you will be able|eloquence|||propose|questions|||the questions|I will solve
Bring me to the forum, where you will be able to listen to my own style, resolve problems with people, and resolve my objectives.
In hac arte applicabo pecunias cotidie.
||art|I will apply||
I will apply this skill to money every day.
At ille: Mihi bene placet.
Omnis popidus cucurrit ad virginem videndam.
|people|ran|||to see
All the rich ran to see the maiden.
Tutti i ricchi corsero a vedere la fanciulla.
At illa aggreditur facundiam studiorum, quaestiones sibi proponi jussit, omnes clare solvit, et sic per talem modum multam pecuniam a populo recepit.
||she attacks|the eloquence||||to be proposed|he ordered||clearly|||||such|manner|||||received
But she began her studies with ease, ordered questions to be put to her, answered them all clearly, and in this way received a great deal of money from the people.
Athenagora vero illam integra virginitate custodivit ut unicam filiam, ita, ut eam donis multis villico commendaret.
|||intacta||||only|||||with gifts||to the steward|he entrusted
Athenagoras, who was an only daughter, taken heed to her, without losing your virginity, in such a way so as to prevent the gifts of the many to the bailiff to the recommendation.
Atenagora, tuttavia, conservò intatta la sua verginità come figlia unica, tanto che la raccomandò al governatore con molti doni.